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Enthuse 3D - Interactive images for your museum

New legislation will soon be in place requiring museums to provide access for disabled visitors. If in extreme cases a museum cannot provide access, grants are available for the creation of virtual museums coving the content of the inaccessible areas. Using the latest technology enthuse can create a 3D version of rooms in your museum. The 3D rooms can have links to detailed pages on your best exhibits.

3D Demo

Click and drag to look around the scene. This method of showing a 3D photograph uses IPIX technology which requires the visitor to download a plugin. (That's what you have just downloaded if you can see the image on your left)

If you provide a 3D image in your museum you will not have to wait for anything to load, and the image quality can be much higher. We can also link sections of the picture to popup windows that show important information, such as a high quality picture of an artefact.

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